Important note:

This blog acts as Yuli's portfolio. Most of these posts link to the blogs and websites they were originally published on. Yuli's main blog is Nerd Alert and her book reviews can be found on Goodreads.

Saturday, 16 March 2019

Ernie's bad day

Ernie’s day was off to a bad start.

The excruciating pain in his right foot woke him up earlier than usual. He knew, without looking, that his ankle was swollen again and he could feel it pulsating. He sighed. Old age didn’t agree with him. He hated pain, he always has, even as a young boy. His late mother used to say that he was a big cry-
baby. He knew he was.
Ernie lay in bed, waiting for the pain to subside. He could see the outlines of the furniture in his room through the darkness. The sun wasn’t even up yet. He remembered being a younger version of himself, savouring every minute of sleep he could get. He recalled how at those past times he couldn’t seem to get enough sleep. And now? Now he would wake up in the middle of the night completely awake and fully rested. Sometimes, he would wake up due to the sharp pain in his limbs.